
The Tallarn So Far....

So, I have nearly painted my 2000pt Tournament List but on the road to optimisation I have extra stuff painted too. I like to name my characters and vehicles and if you think that's weird then that's probably because it is.  Captain El'Houni (Company Commander), named after a mate of mine who helped with the Arabic names for my tanks, this guy is loaded out with classic Tallarn weaponry - a Plasma Pistol and Power Sword (or scimitar!). I often give this guy the Blade of Conquest Relic just to make him even more epic and also to have some close combat ability if the need arises (which it often does).  This guy is an absolute boss. His finest moment was when he was charged (and he was already on 2 wounds left) by a Khorne Daemon Prince and survived. I had to make 4 saves against the Malefic Talons and failed 2. I rerolled one with a command point and it resulted in a 6! I then used his warlord trait reroll (Grand Strategist) and rerolled the other fail into anoth...

Earthshaker Reinforcements!

In my journey to optimise my 2000pts tournament list I have found the space and need for a Basilisk. So I got to work making one. Now having looked at Basilisks on the net, I struggled to find one that gave the model justice. The kit itself doesn't help as it only comes with the upgrade kit for one crewman which unless he's superhuman isn't gonna help the Basilisk maintain a good fire rate for its barrage. So with many bits and kits available to me I set to work. I have already made one decision about the model and that was that it would have no Guns shield. I think you'll agree it looks far better without it.  The Camo Netting was something I had done before with a Stygies Vanquisher and I wacted to do it again here. As many people have asked me, I'll go through, briefly how to do camo cloaks. Gauze bandage stretched out in thin layers and then soaked for a short time in PVA/water before being dried slightly and applied where I wanted it. I used some netting...
Hey Guys, I have been working hard on my Tallarn and decided it was finally time to get my Rough Riders up to scratch. So here are a few pics of my progress... I've always loved the idea of men on horses in the 41st Millenium and these guys look like no joke. They are, I believe the coolest models I have ever made or perhaps even seen (though that may seem a little conceited, I'm quite chuffed with how they came out). Equipped with two Meltaguns that hardly ever hit and lots of S3 attacks these guys are amazing (Disclaimer - They're pretty underwhelming and honestly I never expect them to ever do anything but they look cool and have some tactical use so I'm gonna take them). So, what do you guys think? If you want to know where I got some of the bits from then shoot me a comment! I will hopefully get round to painting these soon but who knows, maybe I'll bite the bullet and try and get more infantry done... P.S. If anyone has any votes or advice on Hors...

New Blog! Introductions!

Who am I? I'm Mike, I'm a regular dude with 'nerdy' passions and some slightly less nerdy ones. I'm a Wargamer, a videogamer, a LARPer, and more... This blog is about Cake, sometimes literally and also about Death, fictional death orchestrated on plastic battlefields using plastic miniatures. What's the blog about? Warhammer 40k and nice food. Read on if that hasn't already got your attention. Death Cake or death? Eddie Izzard? Yes I love that sketch! So lets start with the death! I have been a 'wargamer' for a very long time now (not as long as some I'm sure) It's been maybe 13 years I've been into this kind of thing? Strategy Battle Games. Conviluted Chess with dice rolling involved. I am an avid Warhammer 40,000 fan and gamer and that is what this blog will be mostly dedicated to. I have many projects in the far future of the 41st Millenium and plan to use the blog to show my progress with them. I will be putting Battl...