
Showing posts from January, 2018

New Blog! Introductions!

Who am I? I'm Mike, I'm a regular dude with 'nerdy' passions and some slightly less nerdy ones. I'm a Wargamer, a videogamer, a LARPer, and more... This blog is about Cake, sometimes literally and also about Death, fictional death orchestrated on plastic battlefields using plastic miniatures. What's the blog about? Warhammer 40k and nice food. Read on if that hasn't already got your attention. Death Cake or death? Eddie Izzard? Yes I love that sketch! So lets start with the death! I have been a 'wargamer' for a very long time now (not as long as some I'm sure) It's been maybe 13 years I've been into this kind of thing? Strategy Battle Games. Conviluted Chess with dice rolling involved. I am an avid Warhammer 40,000 fan and gamer and that is what this blog will be mostly dedicated to. I have many projects in the far future of the 41st Millenium and plan to use the blog to show my progress with them. I will be putting Battl