Tau Command Meeting

(One of my favourites)

This was a Project I did a year ago. My local GW ran a diorama competition and I had had this concept in my mind for a while. I wanted to depict several Tau Shas'ui (and even a Shas'el) looking at a hologram of a battleifield. Each Shas'ui had to be at a certain level of ease and paying attention.

Central to this photo is the Shas'el manipulating the hologram and describing plans to the attendees. On the left we have a Strike Team Shas'ui keeping tabs on current developments through coms and just out of shot on the right is another Strike Shas'ui listening to the Commander.

Here the Pathfinder Shas'ui adds to the Commanders instructions, having scouted much of the surrounding terrain. A Breacher Team Shas'ui stands contemplating the information being given.

Another Breacher Team Shas'ui crouches next to his Comrade, both likely to end up closest to the enemy when the time comes
The last meeting attendee, a Strike Team Shas'ui holds her helmet as she follows the Commanders gestures.

The meeting was designed to look as though it were a meeting at a ground camp near the battlefield. The Tidewall Rampart end made for an excellent mobile command centre.
My only regret with these Tau has been the basing. Due to a shortage of time I had to get the entry finished. I decided to just paint the bases white.


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